Beginning, Middle...End?
data / curious
Hey newsletter receivers,
I'm back! And therefore doing the inevitable catch-up-after-vacation-frenzy.
So this one is short (but still interesting, I promise!).
How can I craft a better story using data viz?
Duncan Geere has a new take on the traditional story model: start with the beginning, take the reader through the middle, and then create a new beginning. Very interesting read.
Have you seen the Information is Beautiful shortlist this year?
Check it out.
How can I compare more than two dimensions of outcomes in a group?
Oh wow, do I love this weird combination of proportional bubbles + ternary plot in this piece: The Brexit rift splitting the Conservative party. Beautiful and informative. Even though it's not necessarily understandable at-a-glance, it reveals so much more meaning than something like a scatter plot once you spend time with it.
Where do people own more homes in America?
In addition to being a nice piece of visual analysis, this Medium article includes a link to the US Census API and TIGER geometry database, both of which are useful for spatial analysis.
How can I make a categorical color map in Python?
There are lots of tutorials out there on how to make a choropleth map using quantitative data (like this one I wrote last year), but I had not seen a good example of shading by categorical data. Here's a tutorial using Pandas, Geopandas and Matplotlib doing just that.
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