Data Curious 27.03.2019 - data gifs, visualizing machine intelligence, and pragmatic programming
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Hey there.
This week I've been thinking about how visualization relates to machine intelligence, how to make data feel more fun and human, and how to be more pragmatic when starting a data project.
See what you think!
Having fun with data viz and visualizing machine learning
How do I explain essential data viz lessons in a fun way?
Play Your Charts Right. This fun poster offers a different way of talking about data literacy and how to accurately create charts.
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How can we use interactive data visualization to create better machine learning models?
Here's a piece from one of my new favorite Medium publications, Multiple Views. It's specifically dedicated to explaining the latest innovation in the field of visualization research. Here's a preview of the piece: "Visual and interactive approaches can help humans to retain agency over the prediction process while still benefiting from the improvements in accuracy from machine learning models. "
Connecting documents and the size of Amazon
How are the documents in the Mueller investigation connected?
Information design studio Fathom released a new visualization tool call Porfiry. The site visualizes machine learning outputs as something between a beeswarm plot and network graph, revealing connections between people mentioned in the trove of documents. I like this combination approach.
How big is Amazon's market reach, really?
Bloomberg released a new data viz story on how massive the retail giant has actually become. The spinning Jeff heads on the line chart are a nice touch, though slightly disconcerting.
Zoo animal lifespans and segregated cities
How segregated are major cities in the US?
Governing has published new research showing the segregation rates of schools and residential areas across America.
Check it out →
How long do zoo animals live in North America?
Let's find out with the Zoo Animal Lifespan dataset on
R and Python, making data gifs, and completing a text analysis project
R or Python?
Both. Why should you have to choose? This article walks through how to use the best of both programming languages to get the job done.
+1 for pragmatic programming →
How can I make quick, fun data gifs?
Check out this new tool from Google News Labs: Data GIF Maker. It allows you to use a few templates to create mobile-friendly, animated gifs of your data.
How can I complete a text analysis from start to finish?
Follow this very thorough guide (with Jupyter Notebook), and you'll be able to visualize data on sentiment, word frequency and trigrams.
Let's do it →
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